How Moving to SF Made Me Gain 10 lbs

How Moving to SF Made Me Gain 10 lbs

Ok first if all I want to say I'm not writing this as a negative post. I'm writing about this because I find it funny and it's part of my moving experience. Also it's nobody's fault but my own that I gained the 10lbs. As much as I want to blame the amazing ice cream in this photo, I'm the one that decided to eat the whole pint! There's just so much good food here!

I thought that all the uphill walking would burn off those delicious calories, but I was wrong. The uphill walks are definitely a workout and absolutely burn calories, but not as fast as I consumed them.

I've never been a diet person, I believe in eating what you like in moderation and doing exercise to stay healthy.

What happened once I moved here is this: I remembered everything I used to love eating here and I promptly went to every spot and ordered all my favorites from the menu. Keep in mind many of my favorite spots were bakeries and ice cream shops!

In addition, I discovered Uber Eats, Postmates and Doughbies (these are all food delivery services). My favorites delivered right to my door? Yes please!

Also, I became a stay at home mom and I haven't figured out how to get consistent good workouts into my daily routine yet.

So here's the equation: start with someone who loves food, especially desert, add amazing food on every corner and food delivery services, now take away regular workouts and what do you get? The SF 10lbs.

This does not mean I won't be eating all the delicious food here anymore. My plan is to figure out creative ways to work out, walk more and order in less. If I want the noodles, I will walk there with Atlas instead of ordering in.

I'll let you guys know how my plan works out!


Salsalito Taco Shop

Salsalito Taco Shop

Brunch at Pier 23 Café

Brunch at Pier 23 Café